Tree coverage absorbs heat before it is absorbed by roads

Tree coverage absorbs heat before it is absorbed by roads

Ensuring that we have adequate foliage cover on suburban roads would limit the effect of the sun being absorbed - more ideas here: - UNSW paper. We can reduce our power requirement, therefore reducing reliance on energy, regardless of whether it is renewable or fossil fuel.


This is a great idea particularly in Manningham where the majority of native trees do not have adequate canopies to make any significant reduction of heat over roads and temperatures reach approx 2-3 degrees more than the 'leafy suburbs'. It is noticeable and people comment all the time. Councils should replace and add trees with extensive canopies to cool the roads, homes and businesses, even schools. Councils appeared to have begun in parts, but stopped. Yes it ought be easily done.

Easily done in Menzies.

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