Eradicate fuel sports; redirect resources

Eradicate fuel sports; redirect resources

Get rid of events that use high levels of fuel, like motorbike racing and formula one cars. They do nothing for the environment but burn large quantities of fuel while generating air + noise pollution. Those fuel reserves could be better used for things like supplying emergency vehicles, RFDS flights, food delivery trucks, hospital generators. Redirect critical fuel + old energy resources to measures which help people and communities.


“Most race series use between half a million and a million liters of fuel per season". That is a direct quote from a professional racing magazine, relating to Formula One. Factor in air racing, motorbikes, boat races, etc and you have MILLIONS of liters of fuel being wasted (with air & noise pollutants emitted) every single year. Cut the frivolity until they can redesign to cleaner energy sources, and redirect the current resources to beneficial purposes.

I don't think it would make enough of a difference to fuel consumption comporable to how much is consumed in non enterainment related ways. Also don't think it would be good for garnering support for a transition.

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